Zenwalk 7.9.3; memoirs of a slacker

I've been on Slackware and many of its derivatives for quite some time already. I just take them for granted and use those distros with it-just-works approach with Salix (64-bit) these days.

Until an email came several days ago:
An improved and up to date version of Zenwalk 64 : Zenwalk 7.9.3 is ready. http://download.zenwalk.org/x86_64/7.9.3/
This unofficial release is stable (at least as stable as any official release, and it is maintained via the current repository).
It could be released as a beta or even "RC 8.0", but I prefer to wait for Slackware 14.2.

I cried like a little girl.

I've used Zenwalk when it was still exclusively build for 32-bit boxes (4.8 to 7.2, if I recall it right). Then I moved to Salix because I'd like to run 64-bit operating system on my old Aspire 4720z laptop, at that time Zenwalk didn't support 64-bit CPU; it was the time of Slackware 13.0 or 13.1. I experienced tgz -> tlz -> txz transition and ext4 failing.

I'd liked Zenwalk better than Salix. This is just too much for me at the moment.

I downloaded Zenwalk-current ISO already, yet I am not sure if I'll use it in any of my recent box.
PS: I think I am in love

1 rants:

Acep Ahmad Galiev said...

now I have a Fujitsu Celsius w480 sporting (ever-loved) i3-540 running Zenwalk :D totally love it :D