Soundcloud, anyone?

Soundcloud is just amazing, you just can listen and download almost any music you'd like.

And a little hack from me, you can always download the track: find the stream token in the page's source, such as:

It'll redirect you to the song's file :) Else, you can use addons for your browser to download 'undownloadable' tracks. 

Dubstep is just cool the first 40 hours you're listening into it, it mostly sucks afterwards.

Magnet links on Nightlies

Open about:config page;
type in network.protocol-handler.expose.magnet as boolean value set to 'false',
you're good to go. It'll gives you protocol association windows the next time you open magnet links.

IMHO, It's definitely the easiest way to associate new protocol in later versions of Firefox (which come with confusing rapid release scheme in the package :D ).

Thanks to ArchWiki.
Anyway, I've never really liked the idea about Firefox's rapid release development: just knowing your build number is bigger has nothing to do with the software's reliability, no?