Rig in Lab

Here's the rig I'm sitting on starting today.


4 cores on i3-2120, 2 cores on E7400, 2 cores on T2370 (laptop), dual head on i3 box.
Running Slackware64-current, LinuxMint Maya (LTS), Salix64 13.37. 

I need to be ambidextrous to be able to work more efficiently on this rig, I suppose.

If my phone counts: add ARM MT6516 running FroYo

Quartett!: complete save game

If you like (classical) music, this is definitely a visual novel for you: the music is great, the art is stunning, and the characters are unique. Of course, as this vn doesn't feature any voice actress--this is no fan service vn!

The branches are easy to figure out: two major choices and viola, you end up with one girl. There's no bad ending though, all the three endings are rather bitter sweet.

So here's the complete save game if you just want to see all the scenes, CGs, and BGMs. I personally suggest to go for viola girl first, cello then violin girl at last. :D

Installing LILO on virtual disk (libvirt)

I have a libvirt-coupled-qemu-based virtual machine which boots Slacware 14.0. Long story short, lilo gave me this error when I invoke lilo -v:
Fatal: Linux experimental device 0xfc00 needs to be defined.
Check 'man lilo.conf' under 'disk=' and 'max-partitions'

After adding
disk = /dev/vda bios=0x80 max-partitions=7 
to /etc/lilo.conf, the box boots but give me kernel panic.

After digging from this thread on LQ, I found out that:
- libvirt is compiled as module,
- so I need to make new initrd (because recompiling the kernel is just too much pain).
So I made a new initrd
# /usr/share/mkinitrd/mkinitrd_command_generator.sh >> newinit.sh
# newinit.sh

and added it to the lilo.conf.
image = /boot/vmlinuz 
initrd = /boot/initrd.gz 
root = /dev/vda1 
label = slackware 

My final (and working) /etc/lilo.conf looks like this:
# LILO configuration file 
# generated by 'liloconfig' 
# # Start LILO global section 
lba32 # Allow booting past 1024th cylinder with a recent BIOS 
disk = /dev/vda bios=0x80 max-partitions=7 
boot = /dev/vda 
# compact # faster, but won't work on all systems. 
# Linux bootable partition config begins 
image = /boot/vmlinuz 
initrd = /boot/initrd.gz 
root = /dev/vda1 
label = slackware 
read-only # Partitions should be mounted read-only for checking 
# Linux bootable partition config ends

Reinvoke lilo with lilo -v.

It works just great despite some warning.
--invoking lilo compact (-c) screwed things up :(