せかいにさよなら(sekai ni sayounara)

From a visual novel, cometh a revelation--gakt! It's Yume Miru Kusuri.

The song is sung by Marica, FunczionSOUNDS do the music.
Marica: Sekai ni Sayounara
FunczionSOUNDS: Sekai ni Sayounara (instrumental)

Fetch the lyrics from here.

Zenwalk 7.0, I'm ready for upgrade!

Zenwalk 7.0 RC1 is ready!

Hex Editor

This afternoon, I was looking forward editing save file from an old visual novel game (The Maids' Story). At that very moment I realized there's no hex editor installed on my Zenbox, gwah!

After some brief search, my choice come upon jeex, it employs merely GTK+, so great addition to Geany. :))

If you won't mind to have some GNOME libraries, ghex is surely a better choice.

XDG user directory

I recently deleted all the visible folders on my home directory subconsciously, and files start appearing on my desktop which I like it clean (so I can enjoy my wallpaper rather being obstructed with icons).

The file need to be configured is ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs, if it's missing you can make one with invoking xdg-user-dirs-update. Yep, simple!
Thanks to superchango@bbs.arclinux for saving me from reading the XDG docs.

[Bomb.tv] Channel B

Despite this edition of photobooks is rather obsolete already (it's publised from 2005 to 2008), I just like them! Casual-daily clothing is literally better than those piece of crap bikinis (at least, to me).

Lately, I've been hating bikini photoshoots for certain reasons I don't really understand myself--it just feels so wrong.

Anyway, see some google hit on "channel b" bomb.tv