
Last few days, my mind has been tangled on Saaya Irie, downloading bunch of her pictures, even writing just-for-this-case shell script to download whole collection of her, (and a blog post)

You might think this is kinda lolicon since she is just 17 (this year) not to mention her attractive breast and minimum-sized bikini(ooops), but I have to admit that I personally like girl who is 2 years younger, IRL.

These pictures are from Saaya's latest photobook on av-girl, I think they are quite attactive, bot Saaya and the photography.



After I posted an image of my Trexia, now it's my 2005 Mendova's turn. In 2007--just before my first year of high school, I paint it yellow for Valentino Rossi (Camel Yamaha, though it later changed to blue one from Fiat), and attach DIY handlebar from Honda GL MAX steering bar.

She's kind of "bumpy" sprint--I applied sprint bikes' geometry that suits my liking, yet she still utilizes usual 26" tire so she could handle road bumps. :D

Look how nice she is:

Now I am thinking to put a DIY aerobar on her, plus remaking Cathy's drop handlebar more "ergo"

Synaptics Touchpad

I've been fine-tuning my Synaptics touchpad yesterday, now it's come to my liking (after I tempted to be not-so-keyboard-crusader). The MAN page sure helps a lot.

Mine is quite old so it doesn't have multi-tap function (you can try monitoring "F" parameter on synclient -m). So here's my xorg.conf, hope it'll be useful someday :D

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Pad1"
Driver "synaptics"
Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
Option "Device" "/dev/tp1"
Option "SHMConfig" "on"
Option "SendCoreEvents"
#edges boundary
Option "LeftEdge" "1700"
Option "RightEdge" "5300"
Option "TopEdge" "1700"
Option "BottomEdge" "4200"
#delays, speed, etc
Option "FingerLow" "20"
Option "FingerHigh" "35"
Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
Option "MaxTapMove" "260"
Option "MaxDoubleTapTime" "130"
Option "ClickTime" "120"
Option "VertScrollDelta" "100"
Option "MinSpeed" "0.09"
Option "MaxSpeed" "0.18"
Option "AccelFactor" "0.002"
Option "EmulateMidButtonTime" "100" #press Lbutton and Rbutton simultaneously
#tap buttons
Option "TapButton1" "1"
# Option "TapButton2" "2" // no multi-tap
# Option "TapButton3" "3" // no multi-tap
#corner taps
# Option "LTCornerButton" "1"
# Option "RTCornerButton" "2"
# Option "LBCornerButton" "2"
Option "RBCornerButton" "3"
# multi-taps :( mine doesn't have such feature
# Option "Emulate2Buttons" "true"
# Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
# Option "EmulateTwoFingerMinZ" "120" # this may vary between different machines
# Option "EmulateThreeFingerMinZ" "120" # this may vary between different machines
# scrolling
Option "UpDownScrolling" "true"
Option "LeftRightScrolling" "true"
Option "VertEdgeScroll" "true" # enable vertical scroll zone
Option "HorizEdgeScroll" "true" # enable horizontal scroll zone
Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "true" # vertical scroll anywhere with two fingers
Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "true" # horizontal scroll anywhere with two fingers
Option "CircularScrolling" "1"
Option "CircScrollDelta" "0.5"
Option "CircScrollTrigger" "7" # I like it from the left
Option "CornerCoasting" "true" # enable continuous scroll with finger in corner
Option "CoastingSpeed" "0.23" # corner coasting speed
Option "EdgeMotionMinSpeed" "150"
Option "EdgeMotionMaxSpeed" "200"


Struggle for Love

I was reading this thread, found this was interesting (and moving) I decided to cite it here. The thread was titled "What is Your Type?"

- Kind
- Also likes anime
- Open-minded
- Likes for me who I am
- Knows how to cook
Somehow, I managed to find someone like that. She's my friend IRL. Only problem: She's is way to high class. Impossible for her to fall for me :p
--- Epraizer Z

Man up. You are capable of getting anyone you want.
--- Jacob

I already tried. I confessed and it didn't turn out good. The atmosphere between us suddenly became awkward
--- Epraizer Z

Well with an attitude like that of course it didn't go well. I stand by my point that you and anyone else is capable of accomplishing anything they want. There's a way to make it happen, you just need to find out how.
--- Jacob

Keep trying, you should have prepared beforehand. Try to make her fall for you or ask her what you're missing. If it's height/penis size then it can't be help.
--- Tribly

Wow, so motivational. Even though this wasn't directed at me, I feel like giving a shot a things. +rep for the inspiration
--- Guilty Guardian

THIS inspired me..Thanks Jacob. I think I'll try harder
Well, she told me about the guy she likes. White complexioned and tall.
I'm kinda tall alright. But she's way taller than me..And I'm brown. I'm the complete opposite of what she said. >_<
--- Epraizer Z

love knows no color.
Here's a past story, back in high school my friends asked me if I would ever go out with a black girl and I was like no way.
Guess what? My next girlfriend was half black. Long story short, people's perspective changes over time, so don't give up just because of that. Do your best!
--- Guilty Guardian

Thanks for that. I'll keep trying. I need to believe in myself that believes in me.
--- Epraizer Z

I wish I could understand 'she'.

Batch Downloading

Today, Brawijaya's connection does still suck (due to migration from Mikrotik routers to Cisco ones) and it dropped my download from Ibiblio. (I am currently downloading Zenwalk's snapshot kernel source to do an upgrade)

Better than just free-tarding, I download a photo album of a BeautyLeg model from ChinaGirl (they are so delicate that they're unsuprisingly named after 'china' :D )

There are around 67 photos in an album. So here my first script:
for ((a=0; a<7; a++))
for ((b=0; b<10; b++))
wget -c$a$b.jpg

It works well like charm, though there's stupidity there.

Another idea came accross my head afterward:
for (a in `seq -w 001 067`)
wget -c$a.jpg

which is much neatly done.

--thanks to guys on linux.byexamples

PSX form gazaxian

Last 2 days, I've been (re-)playing Bloody Roar on PSX emulator. Bakuryu rules!!

If anyone interested in playing old and (almost) forgotten PSX games, here's the emulator from gazaxian's page on psxemulator, it support both Linux box and (always) Windows box.

This one for Windows box and latter one for Linux box