Taking My Subscribers for Rides in the DriftStang (for Charity)

For a cause

100 years

I find this song telling about amidst whatsoever conflict happening in the society; people having different stances; our protagonist is trying his/her best to survive, allegedly being helped/manipulated by hands. Well, arts... are always open for multiple interpretations.

My mom has always been a strong woman. Dad passed away when I was five, she has raised me then on.
I cannot get you close enough
A hundred arms, a hundred years
You can always find me here.

I've been married for a year this day. She said she's gonna cook some chicken soup tonight. Last night, it marked the fist time she recorded 0.7 kg heavier than me, being 6" shorter. We fight quite often, I guess that's just the way we are. :D
And, Lord, don't let me break this
Let me hold it lightly
Give me arms to pray with
Instead of ones that hold too tightly

Also, I will listen to this song together with my kid.
We have no need to fight
We raise our voices and let our hearts take flight
Get higher than those planes can fly
Where the stars do not take sides

4 days: JRM


[Received September 19, 2019; accepted September 22, 2019]
That. was. quick.

linux-related music parody

Nostalgic feeling hits me hard.
I've used linux since I was twelve-ish.

Slackware's Pat having financial issues last year.
I am running only Ubuntu boxes.

Windows10 is on my daily laptop.
Zenwalk is on my second laptop, not being used, dual-booted with Windows7.

Time often passes faster than we grow up.

academia is skwd in many ways

Some reading for food for thought: Renewal model in academic knowledge systems 
The cited papers in the paper are also worth following. 

 This is why things like sci-hub is worth keeping: keep academic knowledge open (at least monetarily: no paywall), one-layered (a bit anarchist you might say), and keeping things identifiable.

I am not saying that academic publishing contributes nothing to the academic knowledge system itself, but everyone can actually learn to establish their academic publishing-indexing service themselves for their academic materials. There shall be no thing such as publish or perish, it should be publish for greater good.

Practical C++ Sockets

Good read:

I used the code for sending images between computers. Initially header information using a struct worked just ok, a day later it stopped working. I had to use simple array of ints to do so.

It reflected in my github commit:

fvcked up

Life lived up just for the sake of conformism is just sad.


passing argument to scilab

I've used scilab quite a while now, but never properly know to do basic things with it. Here's some redemption. 

>> file argument.sce
args= sciargs(); 
for argc= 1:size(args,2) do 
  printf("%d %s\n", argc, args(argc)); 

Then you can run it from console liek:
$ scilab-cli -f argument.sce -args 1 a b $ scilab-adv-cli -f argument.sce -args 1 a b

The output:  
1 /usr/bin/scilab-cli-bin 
2 -f 
3 wa.sce 
4 -args 
5 1 
6 a
7 b

Knowing the argument sequence can be a bit of guesswork if the way you pass argument is inconsistent between runs, though.

kite runner

...[we] cherish custom but abhor rules...
--Khaled Hoseeini, Kite Runner

Building LinuxCNC

LinuxCNC (formerly emc, and emc2) is a great tool to control your CNC controller, in my case a ST-V3.

Documentation on building the software is here, but it barely tells the whole dependency list and the automated dependency checker script simply wouldn't run on my Ubuntu 16.04 /LinuxMint 18.3 machine.

So far, here's it is for you apt-get install

Go to the source directory and invoke:
./configure --with-realtime=uspace

Should've read these first: