Hamradio HT

One of my dream was having all-you-can-have-it portable transciever device. So these good guys made it. 50-1000 MHz sounds like a broad choice of bands you can play with.

You can download the presentation to Algoram: Hamcation here

I like the way they refer to Handy-talky; I've always been a Motorola fans.

Zenwalk 7.9.3; memoirs of a slacker

I've been on Slackware and many of its derivatives for quite some time already. I just take them for granted and use those distros with it-just-works approach with Salix (64-bit) these days.

Until an email came several days ago:
An improved and up to date version of Zenwalk 64 : Zenwalk 7.9.3 is ready. http://download.zenwalk.org/x86_64/7.9.3/
This unofficial release is stable (at least as stable as any official release, and it is maintained via the current repository).
It could be released as a beta or even "RC 8.0", but I prefer to wait for Slackware 14.2.

I cried like a little girl.

I've used Zenwalk when it was still exclusively build for 32-bit boxes (4.8 to 7.2, if I recall it right). Then I moved to Salix because I'd like to run 64-bit operating system on my old Aspire 4720z laptop, at that time Zenwalk didn't support 64-bit CPU; it was the time of Slackware 13.0 or 13.1. I experienced tgz -> tlz -> txz transition and ext4 failing.

I'd liked Zenwalk better than Salix. This is just too much for me at the moment.

I downloaded Zenwalk-current ISO already, yet I am not sure if I'll use it in any of my recent box.
PS: I think I am in love

Soundcloud: ze-consciencia

This guy is just great: https://soundcloud.com/ze-consciencia

Significant Other

I'd been arguing with my sister about what love is. I won pretty much by saying that love is "giving other people enough power to destroy you; and hoping them not to do so". I made an example how a mother taught her daughter how to cook--how to handle knife; trusting the little kid not to stab her someday in the future.

This is pretty much how people with huge chunk of responsibilities do this, or at least, that's how two of distinguished professors in my university have it. Although both of them belong to the same faculty, the two didn't take exactly the same approach to the technology they're developing. They didn't rather different focus in researches though they work together in (fewer) other projects.

And here's the good part:
0. they love each other,
1. they get credit for the work they'd done personally (or with their respective research group),
2. they get credit for their spouse's work--for being a supportive figure (while not being directly related to the work),
3. they are referred on citation references in entries that are similar (that they share family name); more citations!
4. they have enough power to outwit their spouse's work--yet at this point it refers back to point (2).

Damn, that's just uber!

My significant other will surely have more than enough power to end my life, anytime she desires so.