A quick lookup at OpenPrinting redirects me to foo2hiperc, which provides PostScript-compatible hiperc driver wrapper (which I don't know what this hiperc thing is).
You just get to download the package from http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/foo2zjs.tar.gz,
$ make
$ getweb 301
# make install
add the printer from your cups manager using the PPD given by foo2hiperc.
--I am still running cups 1.5.4
Also, a little cite here:
All important desktop applications (GTK/GNOME, Qt/KDE, LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org, Firefox, Thunderbird, ...) send print jobs in PDF and not in PostScript any more by default. In addition, a complete CUPS filter chain to process print jobs in PDF is available and used.