Recently my dear sister asked me about my view on bisexuality. As an
electrical (computer) engineer [graduate], I put a simple analogy
between sexual intercourse and power line plug-socket contact. Pretty
dumb idea, yet I still had to make my mind up before posting this
blog post days later on.
Plug is male: masculine, protruding, dominant, extrusive, yang,
Socket is female: feminine, recessed, recessive, intrusive, yin,
either zeroth or second.
Things are mostly mix-and-match from these two, with major
affiliation to one and minor influence from another. This is the
thing that many psychoanalysts use to describe with the term
'bisexuality', hence it's different from common bisexuality
(pan-sexuality) you can look up on wiki.
Heterosexuality is simple, traditional and well-known working method
of sexual fulfillment.
Homosexuality isn't necessarily stupid, unnatural, and forbidden [by
law], but it's definitely fruitless, improper and unsafe in
its nature.
AND homosexuality);
Bisexuality is when a subject is neither exclusively heterosexual nor
Saikat Guha in Tripartite Analysis of Sexual gratification explained
the components of sexual gratification: physiological components,
aesthetic components, and erotic component. This should apply for
any form of sexual activity.
- Physiological component: biological functions of body related to sexual activity: hormones, reproduction, sexual organs, sensory stimulus.
- Aesthetic component: attraction towards certain qualities (personal traits) of a subject: fetishes, fashion, and favor towards specifics of a subject which quantify to [physical] measurements.
- Erotic component: care, affection, sympathy.
Thus every aspects of living being related to sexual activity will have its
qualities associated (majorly) to either male or female, e.g.
estrogen/testosterone, breast/biceps, motherly/fatherly love. Non-living things are associated with this sexes too (we call it genders), for example swords are mostly named with masculine names, e.g. Gladius and vessels are named with feminine names, e.g. Elizabeth.
Heterosexual: It's Schuko plug plugged in to Euro socket, looks just normal although the combination isn't from the same type. Here's just-fine if not proper electrical contact.
Homosexual: Two Schuko plugs tied and clamped together with twisted single wires. This surely isn't a proper way to use your electrical appliances, still there's electrical contact made.
If different-genders interaction is called contact, I'll call same-sex interaction either crash, clash, or something just isn't quite right here.
(pan-sexuality) just isn't my thing.