
I've always a huge fan of cycling movies, but Shakariki has it too much.

It's a good movie overall: a lot of bicycles, spirit, and of course--cute female supporting character. But to some extend, some scene over-exaggerates the cycling aspects: making the characters look like some super athlete like Contador or Schlecks.

The main protagonist was forcing himself to run the way after his teammate (captain) suffered from puncture. Running on climb with cleat-equipped pedal is just reckless: it's just easy to lose the grip and balance. Moreover, the steep climb was just 'too-much', if you tilt your display correctly according to how trees grow--you'll find the gradient was much easier.


Fira: Her First Pictures

Yesterday I went to Coban Rondo with my not-so-new 2011 Helios 100. The ride takes about one hour and half--who really cares--it was recreational, no? (at least no one overtaked me during the whole ride)

She arrived at August 18th, then I started riding with her by late of September. I hadn't taken any pictures of her--not just until yesterday :)

Anyway, by the (long) descent in Payung I had puncture in rear wheel. I'm just grateful that I didn't crash from it.
Sorry for the bad pictures, I took the photos with (cheap) cellphone's camera.

Yosuga no Sora (complete save game)

I've been a huge fan of visual novels myself--it's also the reason why I never convert my whole boxes to Linux. So here's one of my favorite: Yosuga no Sora.

The story revolves around siblings which develop certain degree of (possible-then-to-be-so-called-incest) love. And yeah, it's harem. :D

I've completed the game (though I can't read Japanese without looking at those character tables), so here's the completed save game (it gives you full access to full CG library anyway). Place the file in C:\Documents and Settings\~username-here\Application Data\Sphere\Yosuga\save (in WindowsXP, I don't know where to place in another Windows version).

I won't encourage you to download the game *illegally*, but I'd like to say you can fetch it from here.